MODUS VIVENDI - the residence


Once we receive your booking confirmation form, our friendly reception team will contact you regarding your deposit payment of £200. Once paid, your apartment will be secured. It’s that easy!

First Name*
Date Of Birth
Select Unit to Reserve*

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions govern the reservation of accommodation at Modus Vivendi – The Residence, effective as of the date of reservation.

1. Availability:
The accommodation is expected to be ready for occupancy in September 2024. On making your reservation with Modus Vivendi –The Residence (MVR) you will be asked to pay a non-refundable reservation fee of £200.00. This is to reserve your apartment, ensure it is taken off the availability list and reserved in your name. Once your agreement commences this reservation fee will be credited towards your final payment for the accommodation.

2. Documentation:
Once you have made your reservation, MVR will confirm your reservation in writing. You will then be sent over an application form, please ensure all aspects of this form have been completed before submission. (Photo ID must be colour photocopies only)

3. Payment Terms:
A non-refundable reservation fee is required to secure your place on the waiting list. This fee will be credited towards your final payment for the accommodation. If you choose to cancel your reservation with MVR, you have 14 calendar days after paying the reservation fee to ‘change your mind’ and be eligible to receive a 100% refund of the reservation fee paid.

4. Cancellation Policy:
You can cancel your reservation without giving us any reason, by informing the Management team by email, stating your full name and the accommodation address.

Our email address is Or in writing to the Management team, Modus Vivendi – The Residence, Grove Business Centre, Great Horton Road, Bradford, BD7 1AH.

If you cancel your reservation after the 14 calendar days Cooling off period, you will not be eligible to get your reservation fee returned to you.

5. Allocation Process:
Allocations for the accommodation will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. The management reserves the right to change the allocation process at any time.

6. Assignment:
You may not assign or transfer your reservation or room allocation to another party without the prior written consent of the management.

7. Changes to the Accommodation:
The management reserves the right to make changes to the accommodation, including but not limited to the room layout, furnishings, and amenities.

8. Build Delays/Refurbishments:
If you reserve accommodation in a building that is being built or undergoing refurbishment and delays occur, you will be informed at all stages.If necessary, you will be offered alternative housing close by if delays threaten to impact your ‘check-in date’. You will be offered accommodation of equal quality and price.

9. Limitation of Liability:
The management will not be liable for any losses, damages, or expenses incurred as a result of the reservation or the allocation of a room.

10. Governing Law:
These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction of England and Wales